Saturday 27th Jul 2024

A Scoop of Generosity 

One ordinary afternoon, my two daughters, aged 4 and 6, were bubbling with excitement over the prospect of ice cream from the charming parlor next to the grocery store. However, ever since the challenging ordeal of losing our house to foreclosure, my husband and I found ourselves meticulously budgeting every penny, relying solely on cash for essential purchases. 

As we completed our grocery shopping, the girls couldn't contain their desire for a cold, creamy treat. Unfortunately, reality set in as I explained that the money I had brought was strictly allocated for the groceries, and we couldn't afford the extra indulgence today. Though disappointed, my daughters graciously accepted the situation. 

While packing our groceries into the car, a unexpected glimmer of kindness brightened our day. The owner of the ice cream parlor, someone we had only known as a friendly face behind the counter, approached us with a genuine smile. In his hands were two double scoop ice cream cones, a delightful surprise that instantly shifted the atmosphere. 

"I overheard your conversation a minute ago. Today, the ice cream is on me," he said, a simple statement that carried the weight of generosity.

My daughters' eyes widened with joy as they received the unexpected treats. Their faces lit up with delight, and the disappointment of earlier moments evaporated. The ice cream cones became more than just a sweet treat; they symbolized an unexpected ray of kindness that touched our hearts. 

In that moment, the ice cream parlor owner became a beacon of generosity, reminding us that compassion has the power to uplift even in the face of financial struggles. His gesture wasn't just about ice cream; it was a tangible expression of understanding and community. 

As we drove away with gratitude and ice cream-covered smiles, the warmth of that unexpected act of kindness lingered. It was a sweet reminder that, in the midst of challenging times, the world can still offer moments of sweetness, served with a scoop of generosity and a dollop of compassion.
~ Jennifer Reyes 


He who is generous will be blessed,
for he gives some of his food to the poor.
~ Proverbs 22:9


Extracted from Spiritual Thoughts            


Thought for the Week - Jacquie Peal.  

25 July 2024

I can't say that I like the smell of geraniums, they are much too pungent and spicy for me, but I do love their colours. On the patio outside our living room window we have some pots of vibrant scarlet ones and further down the garden, around the bird bath, there are deep, vibrant pink ones, mixed with white and clear rose-pink ones.
At this time of year they provide most of the colour in the garden as much of our colour comes earlier in the year in a succession of spring-flowering shrubs.
During the years I spent in London one of the things I really missed was seeing colours because the window of my hostel room looked out only to a deep 'well' of other such rooms. Even the walk to the 'Swedish Institute' where I did my physio training was through the very urban streets of Paddington.
We need colour to live and grow, whether that is the visual colours of the spectrum or the psychological colour of meeting other people, hearing about and/or doing interesting things, or hearing, touching, smelling or seeing the beauty around us; 'colour' in this sense means stimulation of our senses and perhaps of our spirituality in one way or another.
We have a God-given world of enormous variety and vibrant beauty of sight, sound, taste and smell - a world of stimulation: let us thank God for all he has given us, including the senses to enjoy it, and do our best to care for it in his name.

With love
Jacquie xx

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 Charles Hadley.
It could be a proverb, a Bible text, an anecdote, a snippet of good news…Max length 75 words.